Non member Defiance Reviews

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Post by Germangirl »

Defying the odds
A review of Daniel Craig's first post-Quantum of Solace feature, director Edward Zwick's Defiance
By Brandon Tamane, Staff Writer

After seeing Daniel Craig in Casino Royale for the first time in 2006, I knew immediately that I would have a tough time distancing him from the role of James Bond. Seriously though, an actor portraying a character with the amount of swagger and confidence as Bond must certainly have a little of it himself, à la Sean Connery, right? I thought Craig played the Bond role incredibly well, but thought it would be tough to take him seriously in future roles. I changed my mind when I saw Edward Zwick's latest, Defiance.

Craig takes on the part of Tuvia Bielski, the leader of the Bielski partisans who was responsible for saving thousands of Jews in Belarus during the Nazi occupation of Poland in World War II. He and his 3 brothers take charge of the Jewish refugees by setting up forest shelters in the Belarussian forest, where they survive for over two years. In the process of staying alive and fending off Nazi attacks, they amass a large number of likeminded Jews who join their efforts.

Eventually, they create a working, free society in the forests. They become wary allies with the Soviet soldiers stationed in the same forest. By the end of the war their numbers had exceeded 1,200 men, women and children, some of whom fought, while others retained their pacifist ways.

Tuvia's brothers, Zus (Liev Schreiber), Asael (Jamie Bell) and Aron (George MacKay) were also instrumental in the survival and success of the encampment, although I felt their characters were somewhat underused in the film. The relationship between Tuvia and Zus seemed to be the main focus, and Schreiber played the role quite convincingly. It would have been nice to see a little more of him.

While I was unfamiliar with the historical accuracy of these events before watching the film, I felt that Zwick did quite a good job of remaining conscious not to glorify the characters involved.

Remaining true to some of his other films of this nature, Zwick was also able to inject brief seconds of humour into a film that otherwise seemed almost bleak, making those moments that much funnier. The film opened everywhere last week and is definitely worth checking out while on the big screen. ... 4098.shtml
The top notch acting in the Weisz/Craig/Spall 'Betrayal' is emotionally true, often v funny and its beautifully staged with filmic qualities..

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Post by Linda »

In today's Calgary Herald newspaper it says that Defiance is a Must See Movie. "Daniel Craig is so good in this film, that you don't even see him as his signaure movie character, James Bond, but as one-half of the real-life Bielski brothers. Polish siblings who save a group of fugitive Jews from the Nazis during the Second World War. Despite the predictability, the movie's strong performances make Defiance worth seeing."

They were wrong in the fact that there were 4 Bielski brothers, but they liked Daniel's acting, so I was glad to see that. Here in Calgary both Daniel's two movies are playing at the same time. QoS in still out in the "cheap" theatres.
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Post by Germangirl »

Sunday, February 1, 2009
Movie Review: Defiance

J and I had a chance to go out with one of his friends last night to a late movie. We decided to go see Defiance, and we loved it! If you aren't familiar, it is set in 1941 in eastern Europe when the Nazis slaughtered thousands of Jews. Three brothers hide in the forest and are joined by other Jews in hiding. Eventually they have a large camp in the woods, and are fighting to stay alive, keep their faith alive, and fight the Nazi patrols around them.

Based on a true story, this was a very well done film and we were glad to see it. For the ladies, you have the added bonus of watching Daniel Craig for 2 hours, and for the gentlemen, lots of action and brutal violence (that just happens to be true).

The relationship between the brothers is rocky at times, but they do realize the importance of the family they have left. A great film for any WWII buffs.

Bottom line: Go see it! ... iance.html
The top notch acting in the Weisz/Craig/Spall 'Betrayal' is emotionally true, often v funny and its beautifully staged with filmic qualities..

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