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Post by Germangirl »

Can't recall right now, where we talked about the tossing, but we are not the only ones noticing it. And these are guys :wink:
Here from today CBN :lol:
He takes everything that I loved about Connery (the rugged, tough, truck-driver type looks combined with a nuclear power plant of sex appeal and the best style of the franchise as well as the way he just...tosses things; has anyone ever noticed this? It's awesome)

Yes, Craig is an expert tosser.

What? No really, I do enjoy the way he casually throws things away, starting with the car keys in CR to the hotel room key and bathroom handle in QOS. He somehow makes it look effortless and cool.
The top notch acting in the Weisz/Craig/Spall 'Betrayal' is emotionally true, often v funny and its beautifully staged with filmic qualities..

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Post by Dunda »

Germangirl wrote:Can't recall right now, where we talked about the tossing, but we are not the only ones noticing it. And these are guys :wink:
Here from today CBN :lol:
He takes everything that I loved about Connery (the rugged, tough, truck-driver type looks combined with a nuclear power plant of sex appeal and the best style of the franchise as well as the way he just...tosses things; has anyone ever noticed this? It's awesome)

Yes, Craig is an expert tosser.

What? No really, I do enjoy the way he casually throws things away, starting with the car keys in CR to the hotel room key and bathroom handle in QOS. He somehow makes it look effortless and cool.
I can watch that scene in FoaF over and over again, when he's at the beach the way he tosses first the bottle cap and then his glasses into the sand. :lol:

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Post by Germangirl »

Dunda wrote:
Germangirl wrote:Can't recall right now, where we talked about the tossing, but we are not the only ones noticing it. And these are guys :wink:
Here from today CBN :lol:

Yes, Craig is an expert tosser.

What? No really, I do enjoy the way he casually throws things away, starting with the car keys in CR to the hotel room key and bathroom handle in QOS. He somehow makes it look effortless and cool.
I can watch that scene in FoaF over and over again, when he's at the beach the way he tosses first the bottle cap and then his glasses into the sand. :lol:
Yes, its hard to say, what makes it so special, maybe effortlessly and cool describes it best. I might add - elegant.
The top notch acting in the Weisz/Craig/Spall 'Betrayal' is emotionally true, often v funny and its beautifully staged with filmic qualities..

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Post by khenton »

Fine examples of minimalistic acting. K
Damn. No future with Daniel Craig.Image
Fourwordsbeforesex "Hello, I'm Daniel Craig."
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Post by Sylvia's girl »

Daniel Craig challenges you to help Hoylake Cottage ... e_2011.pdf
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Post by Mimi_kitty »

There is a cut scene in CR where he tosses his laptop over board.
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Post by Jana66 »

Mimi_kitty wrote:There is a cut scene in CR where he tosses his laptop over board.
...yes, I remember that too. I wished me, to see it in the cutted scenes...I remember too, that Sony did it find NOT funny to keep it in CR :wink: :wink: :wink: .
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Post by calypso » ... wards.html

also liev shcreiber and naomi watts pictures


BEST DIRECTOR Darren Aronofsky - Black Swan

BEST FEMALE LEAD Natalie Portman - Black Swan

BEST MALE LEAD James Franco - 127 Hours

BEST SUPPORTING FEMALE Dale Dickey - Winter's Bone

BEST SUPPORTING MALE John Hawkes - Winter's Bone"

BEST SCREENPLAY Stuart Blumberg, Lisa Cholodenko - The Kids Are All Right


BEST FIRST SCREENPLAY Tiny Furniture - Lena Dunham

BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY Black Swan - Matthew Libatique

BEST DOCUMENTARY Exit through the Gift Shop


JOHN CASSAVETES AWARD (best feature made for under $500,000) Daddy Longlegs

SOMEONE TO WATCH AWARD Mike Ott - Littlerock

EMERGING PRODUCERS AWARD Anish Savjani - Meek's Cutoff

TRUER THAN FICTION AWARD (to an emerging director of non-fiction features) Jeff Malmberg - Marwencol

ROBERT ALTMAN AWARD (to one film's director, casting director, and its ensemble cast) Please Give
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Post by Dunda »

Oscar 2012 Forecast: The Ones to Watch

the night before Oscar, when all through “house”
Not a prognosticator was tweeting, not even a mouse.
The ballots were shipped to the Kodak Center with care,
In hopes that their predictions would be called once there.

Tomorrow night marks the end of another stellar awards season and as we close this chapter on the 2010-2011 competition exhausting any and all conversation of the nominees and predicted winners − its time to see what’s on the horizon for next year.

Some of our favorite performers are prime to make an awards season comeback next year including Kate Winslet, Marion Cottilard and Steven Spielberg. But the real treat forecasted for next season is a showdown to end all showdown: Meryl Streep vs. Glenn Close. After 17 nominations and 2 wins, Streep hasn’t claimed an Oscar in almost three decades, while Close, after 5 nomination (the last one being in the early 80s) has never won Hollywood’s most coveted prize. Both are poised to be frontrunners next season, Streep for her turn as Margaret Thatcher and Close for Albert Nobbs in which she plays the title character; Close also penned the script along with John Banville (The Last September).

Here’s who else has made the 2012 Oscar Forecast, newer entries will be added as the year soldiers on:

*some entries feature full breakdowns, while others highlight a film’s overall contention status*

The Iron Lady
Directed by Phyllida Lloyd

Forecasted Contenders

Meryl Streep (Leading Actress): By now its pretty much a given− if Meryl Streep stars in any given movie, in any given year, she will be nominated because somehow she makes everything seem awards worthy. This past awards season felt rather empty without Streep being in the mix, thankfully we won’t have to go through withdrawals next year.

Jim Broadbent (Supporting Actor): Streep tends to bring whomever her right hand is in a film into the awards season fray and as her on-screen husband in The Iron Lady, Oscar winner Jim Broadbent is poised for an awards season campaign.

Albert Nobbs
Directed by Rodrigo Garcia

Forecasted Contenders

Glenn Close (Leading Actress, Screenplay): A clash of the titans for the ages! Meryl is nearly three decades overdue for a little gold man, yet Glenn Close has been nominated five times (all in the 1980s) and has never won. This shall be epic!

Rodrigo Garcia (Direction): When Glenn Close asks you to direct her film, you know you’re money. Having worked with the Close twice before Albert Nobbs (Nine Lives, Things You Can Tell By Looking at Her), this could be the moment that both director and actress have been waiting for.

The Whistleblower
Directed by Larysa Kondracki

Forecasted Contenders

Rachel Weisz (Leading Actress): Weisz hasn’t contended for an Oscar since the first time at bat back in 2006, when she won the Supporting Actress honor for The Constant Gardner. Since then, her role selection has been solid but this portrayal of a Nebraska cop serving as a peacekeeper in post-war Bosnia, could have her in contention yet again.

Vanessa Redgrave (Supporting Actress): If there is an opportunity to honor the legendary Vanessa Redgrave, the Academy should take it.

David Strathairn (Supporting Actor): Here’s a guy who not only is consistent, but has this gift of making everyone around him look good. If the Academy decides to throw love The Whistleblower’s way, expect for him to catch some of it as well.

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
Directed by David Fincher

Forecasted Contenders

Rooney Mara (Leading Actress): Many wondered how she nabbed the coveted role of Lisbeth Salander over steep competition, and then The Social Network was released. Within 10 minutes of screen time, she managed to convert naysayers into believers and if her portrayal is anything like Noomi Rapace’s original take of the character, she’s pretty much a lock.

David Fincher (Direction): If Fincher doesn’t win tomorrow night, than surely he’ll have another opportunity to vie for the title next year. Not that he cares much either way.

Christopher Plummer (Supporting): Everything Christopher Plummer does manages to come off as sophistication at its finest.

Daniel Craig (Supporting): Craig has four films on the horizon for 2011, but this is the one that he has the best chance of nabbing nomination from.

War Horse
Directed by Steven Spielberg

Forecasted Contenders

Steven Spielberg (Direction): War film. Spielberg. The Academy. You do the math.

The Help
Directed by Tate Taylor

Forecasted Contenders

Viola Davis (Supporting Actress): Viola Davis blew the world away in just 17 minutes when she held her own against Meryl Streep in Doubt, a performance that earned her an Oscar nomination. Imagine what she can do in two hours.

Emma Stone (Supporting Actress): Although she’s portraying a lead character in The Help, Stone would fare better contending in a supporting category. After all, her first headlining film led the box office last summer when she was still kind of no-name, and it earned her a Golden Globe nomination.

Sissy Spacek (Supporting Actress): The last time we saw Sissy Spacek in an Oscar Derby it was back in 2002 for In the Bedroom. Could she be getting in gear for another campaign?

Directed by Steven Soderbergh

Forecasted Contenders

Steven Soderbergh (Direction)
Matt Damon (Leading Actor)
Kate Winslet (Leading Actress/ Supporting Actress)
Marion Cottilard (Leading Actress/ Supporting Actress)
Laurence Fishburne (Supporting Actor)
Gwenyth Paltrow (Supporting Actress)

Contention potential: When you have four Oscar winners in your film, it’s really hard to choose from the lot. Any of the above mentioned actors could be recognized for their portrayal in Contagion, with Winslet and Damon possibly leading the pack for awards season contention. Steven Soderbergh, who surprised everyone in 2001 when he won the Best Director Oscar for Traffic, could also put up a nice fight next year in the Best Director race. And of course, with 10 best picture nominees now the standard, Contagion could definitely fill out the ballot.

My Week with Marilyn
Directed by Simon Curtis

Forecasted Contenders

Michelle Williams (Leading Actress): Over the years, Michelle Williams has shelled out timeless, consistent and captivating performances; could next year finally be her year?

The Tree of Life
Directed by Terrence Malick

Forecasted Contenders

Brad Pitt (Leading Actor)
Sean Penn (Supporting Actor)
Terrence Malik (Best Director)

Contention potential: This project, though highly anticipated, has been kept under wraps for a while now. Even the trailer, released late last year, didn’t give too much away about what the film was about but with a line up that includes Brad Pitt and Sean Penn, under the direction of Terrence Malick, The Tree of Life should fare pretty well next season.

The Ides of March
Directed by George Clooney

Forecasted Contenders

George Clooney (Screenplay/Direction/Leading or Supporting Actor)
Ryan Gosling (Leading Actor)
Marisa Tomei (Supporting Actress)
Evan Rachel Wood (Supporting Actress)
Paul Giamatti (Supporting Actor)
Philip Seymour Hoffman (Supporting Actor)

Contention potential: Here’s another film prime for an awards season campaign. Boasting a stellar cast that includes Oscar winners and previous Oscar hopefuls, this George Clooney scripted and directed project is one that has the potential to go very far next year. I could definitely see Ryan Gosling, who rarely disappoints, receiving a lot of attention along with Evan Rachel Wood, Marisa Tomei, Paul Giamatti and Phillp Seymour Hoffman in the respective supporting categories.

source: ... -forecast/

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Post by calypso » ... list-25080

interesting to read

Oscar ≠ A-List

So how does an actor become "A-list"? Generally, their agents are the first to bestow this moniker upon them in an attempt to elevate their clients’ salaries or land them a part in a big film.

If they weren’t already A-list, then an Academy Award win can also imbue an actor with an A-list glow that temporarily attracts great projects.

Oscars can also defibrillate one’s dormant A-list status.

The bottom line is that the term A-list is only used when somebody is trying to sell something, whether it’s an agent trying to convince a producer or executive to cast a talent, or a publicist trying to convince the media to profile a person or project, or a producer trying to get a financier to invest.

This is especially true for the latter.

In the quest for financing, indie producers abuse this concept, ad nauseum.

“Hey, I have a great project with A-list stars attached. Will you finance it?” If it's true that you have A-List talent attached, then why be vague?

If it were true, they would shout it from the mountaintop. But yet, many still pitch their projects this way. So the question is, who is the producer trying to convince? Themselves? The investor?

Surely they must know on some gut-level that this actor is or is not an A-list star. Often, it’s an actor who was A-list at one time, but is no longer.

Producers also also need to discern A-list celebrity from A-list star. (Just because somebody is all over the tabloids doesn’t mean they’ll get your movie financed. Some will, but most won’t.)

Every now and then, a project with an actual A-list star does appear on the indie scene.

And when they do, the first question one should ask is “What’s wrong with it?” And nine times out of 10, the first thing that’s wrong with it is that the film's genre starts with “dark."

It’s a dark-comedy, a dark-thriller, a dark-drama. Actors love dark, but the foreign buyers (who are critical for financing) do not.

There’s a cultural subtext that makes a movie dark that rarely translates over to other cultures. Actors want to spread their wings and win awards, but foreign buyers don’t.

Likewise, if there is a really big A-list star attached, then there's really something wrong with it.

"It’s a dark thriller with Cameron Diaz." "Sounds OK. "She’s a brunette." "No thanks."

"It’s a dark drama with Leonardo." "Sounds OK." "Oh, and he plays a hunchback." "No thanks." "But it’s in 3D!" "I said, no thanks."

Time is valuable, and great packages are hard to find, so it’s understandable that producers can be quick to convince themselves that a star is A-list-ish.

But, if that actor doesn’t attract the necessary elements to get a movie made, then the producer has to cut that actor loose, which can sour valuable relationships if the producer went to great lengths to get the talent attached in the first place.

The A-list studio business is incestuous -- they tend to stick with their own.

Indie producers that aren’t generally in the A-list game need to ask themselves: If it were actually true that you had an A-List star attached, then why isn’t a studio throwing money at your project? Why are you still pounding the indie pavement trying to drum up financing?

The answer is: Your talent isn't truly A-List, or isn't A-list for this project.
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Post by calypso »

i find this ... 3968457414

was daneil ever homeless, i not think as he say if ever he slept on park bench his mother would kill him, he say that in UK Parkinson interview i think

and this Atlantic city homelss, i thiink they use just famous faces
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Post by JEC57 »

calypso wrote:i find this ... 3968457414

was daneil ever homeless, i not think as he say if ever he slept on park bench his mother would kill him, he say that in UK Parkinson interview i think

and this Atlantic city homelss, i thiink they use just famous faces
You're right was Parkinson. He has said the only time he slept on a park bench was when he was too drunk to make his way home.
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Post by Sylvia's girl »

Interview with James Purefoy. There was always rumours before DC took over as Bond that he was up for the role.

DoG: I was going to... I remember years ago when you had the small part, the cameo in A Knight’s Tale… I remember seeing that and thinking that role, in itself, was enough for me to warrant your future as a Bond. The James Bond card, if it comes up…

It will never come up. I’m too old to play Bond and rightly so. I mean Daniel, you know that ship has sailed with Captain Craig at the helm! There’ll be other things.

DoG: I had to ask.

There’ll be other things and he’s doing an amazing job, he’s a fantastic actor and I don’t think we could wish for a better one, I love watching him! I’ll just do other stuff instead. There is one thing coming up that I can’t tell you about now… but I might email you beforehand… ... _more.html
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Post by calypso » ... 30412.html

WikiLeaks: The Movie?

The Guardian confirms that major film studio Dreamworks, led by Steven Spielberg, has bought the rights to two books about WikiLeaks, including one about the newspaper's stormy relationship with leader Julian Assange as he provided scoops this fall.

The book, titled, "WikiLeaks: Inside Julian Assange's War on Secrecy," and written by Guardian reporters David Leigh and Luke Harding, has brought on threats of a lawsuit from Assange, potentially based on allegations in the book that he refused to protect the name of Afghan informants, whom he said would "deserve it" if they were killed.

Talking about a potential film, Alan Rusbridger, Editor-in-Chief of the paper, said, "It's Woodward and Bernstein meets Stieg Larsson meets Jason Bourne. Plus the odd moment of sheer farce and, in Julian Assange, a compelling character who goes beyond what any Hollywood scriptwriter would dare to invent."

The other book, "Inside WikiLeaks: My Time with Julian Assange at the World's Most Dangerous Website," which was released just two weeks ago, is by Daniel Domscheit-Berg, the former spokesperson for the group. He had a falling out with Assange and doesn't treat him kindly in the book, saying that he was obsessed with conspiracy theories against the group and had become controlling and secretive, to the point that he was behaving, "like some kind of emperor or slave trader."

Read much more from that book in our story here.

WikiLeaks responded to the purchase with a statement on Twitter that read, "This is how bulls**t ends up being history: Spielberg lines up WikiLeaks film based on books by opportunists."

i wonder if daniel might consider this? i hope not as i feel daniel would want to research assnage himself not go by stories other one sided books other people write ... 92&index=0 ... CMP=twt_gu
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Post by calypso »

on TMZ they interview Peirce brosnan as he come out of restaurant, they asked him who best Bond is, he say daniel all the way
i try to get episode tomorrow
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