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Post by Lu »

Yes, I think you both have something there... And about this, sharmaine:
sharmaine wrote: It would not be so surprising to find out that he's a pretty reserved person in real life
I forget about this--I really think there is an absolute terror on his part to do something or say something that might cause him to lose face or look like an idiot later. The way he wouldn't comment on CR's success even when it was already a success...his self-deprecating comments he makes whenever he's praised for this or that. Maybe some of that boils over into denying he's a sex object, just in case someone might say, what a wanker, he thinks he's sexy but he's SOO not. But if he says, oh, I don't think I'm sexy at all, then no one can come along and mock him for trying to be sexy...cause he denies that he is (even though I think he is :twisted: )
sharmaine wrote: The only thing that I find even more interesting is how much sensuality he emits without even saying anything - simply from the look of his eyes or his gait. He is entirely aware of how he poses...
YES. I refuse to believe he is not 100% aware of how he comes across. The subtle pucker of the lips, the gait, the expressions, the way he moves and gestures. He is absolutely so aware to the point that it impresses me, how hard he works at it and how successfully he succeeds at dripping sex appeal. I guess that's why it bothers me when he denies it. :wink:
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Post by sharmaine »

Actually Lu....I don't think he works at it, at all.....he's a natural.....just honed to even greater perfection as time has passed. I compare him to Paul Newman or Steve McQueen - the same searing blue eyes and general mannerisms of a man who is just naturally attractive on and off screen.

As long as he plays his cards right, he should have just as much staying power. It's a long, arduous game to stay in the public eye without losing yourself and becoming a recluse, a whack or an arsehole. I only hope the best for him.

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Post by Germangirl »

Lu wrote: How do you feel being a sex symbol?
Daniel Craig: As far as I'm concerned, the sexiness, the sex symbol, it's not a consideration. I didn't go out to play sexy in this film. It's nice...I don't know, I'm embarrassed, I don't know what to say...

It is so strange how he swears up and down that he's NOT a sex symbol, he DOESN'T think about it, he's embarrassed by the attention, blah blah blah...and yet he so clearly flaunts it in his films. He admits himself that he takes off his clothes in all his films, he says this...
(laughs) have you seen my other movies? Self-conscious doesn't really come into it. No.

Even recently he said (bragged) to Ann Curry about getting naked in all his movies also...

so he's really almost an exhibitionist I think, and clearly sets himself forward as a very sexy person just from the roles he chooses if nothing WHY does he constantly shy away and act pained when people say, Oh, you're sexy????? It's almost like, disingenuous in a way. Why does he do that? Anyone have any theories?

For me its the extremes, the opposites, that are within his personality, that keeps me interested.

I don´t think, he is dishonest but rather a bit neurotic about certain thinks, like not being able to take compliments well. We all (I think) have those insecurities, we cannot really explain, only feel and often are just not able to overcome them. Its probably his dislike towards doing self-promotion and I feel, he sorta puts it all into one box and doesn´t separate very well.
All I know is, that he mostly acts true to what he says, like when in his earlier career, he stopped doing interviews altogether, when they started (after OFITN) to draw a certain sexy and whatnot picture of him, that he didn´t like.

I feel, his reactions are based on the fact, that he chooses to underestimate the impact certain scenes make and is a bit pissed, if the actor doesn´t get the attention he set out to get and instead people choose to talk about that tiny moment (his words) for example of the trunks.
The top notch acting in the Weisz/Craig/Spall 'Betrayal' is emotionally true, often v funny and its beautifully staged with filmic qualities..

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