Old news (but still interesting)

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Post by Germangirl »

magch wrote: My point is, there is no way we will really know him anyway so why dwell on these things that we cannot possibly know, his personality, his personal life, his morals, etc.
Actually - even when risking to be dead wrong - I feel one cannot avoid having an opinion after some time, exploring him as close as we do it here, sometimes serious, sometimes just having fun. For me the fascination is and always was to get a bit into his personality. Its somehow part of the game for me.

But you are right, of course, we´ll never know for sure.
The top notch acting in the Weisz/Craig/Spall 'Betrayal' is emotionally true, often v funny and its beautifully staged with filmic qualities..

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Post by vesper »

The friend added: "Even though they split late in January, Heike had still been holding a candle for Daniel. They had kept in touch
I found the article misleading and subjective, typical for the Yellow Press. It says that he dumped her and run off with Kate. But on the other hand it mentions that they already seperated in late January.

We will never know what exatly happened but the article shows only one side of the story. The time Heike Makatsch and DC seperated she made a film with her future partner and father of her daughter Martin Max Schröder. Perhaps she ran off with him...

2 weeks ago I read a recent interview with Heike Makatsch in which she said that Daniel Craig was the right partner for 8 years but after that period he stopped being the right man. This doesn't sound very resentful.
Vesper - Well, I do hope you gave your parents hell for that.
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Post by Laredo »

The same month they broke up he did a interview where he said they might get married . Whatever happened , happened pretty quik . Kate might have been a rebound affair . The few pics I've seen of them they seem to be partying hard ...
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Post by magch »

vesper wrote:The friend added: "Even though they split late in January, Heike had still been holding a candle for Daniel. They had kept in touch

I found the article misleading and subjective, typical for the Yellow Press. It says that he dumped her and run off with Kate. But on the other hand it mentions that they already seperated in late January.

We will never know what exatly happened but the article shows only one side of the story. The time Heike Makatsch and DC seperated she made a film with her future partner and father of her daughter Martin Max Schröder. Perhaps she ran off with him...

2 weeks ago I read a recent interview with Heike Makatsch in which she said that Daniel Craig was the right partner for 8 years but after that period he stopped being the right man. This doesn't sound very resentful.
Thank you for posting information based on a different perspective. Do you remember where you read the interview? It's never simply black and white to me as to why people got together and why they broke up. If these tabloids do acknowledge complexity of human relationships, their stories wouldn't be sensational enough, would they?
Germangirl wrote:
Actually - even when risking to be dead wrong - I feel one cannot avoid having an opinion after some time, exploring him as close as we do it here, sometimes serious, sometimes just having fun. For me the fascination is and always was to get a bit into his personality. Its somehow part of the game for me.

But you are right, of course, we´ll never know for sure.
I agree with you that one cannot avoid having an opinion after some time. As much as I try to be objective, I have my opinion or my bias. I just chose not to form mine based on tabloid magazine stories. I do have my theory of why they broke up but it doesn't really matter since it's all in the past! :wink:
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Post by Germangirl »

magch wrote:
Germangirl wrote:
Actually - even when risking to be dead wrong - I feel one cannot avoid having an opinion after some time, exploring him as close as we do it here, sometimes serious, sometimes just having fun. For me the fascination is and always was to get a bit into his personality. Its somehow part of the game for me.

But you are right, of course, we´ll never know for sure.
I agree with you that one cannot avoid having an opinion after some time. As much as I try to be objective, I have my opinion or my bias. I just chose not to form mine based on tabloid magazine stories. :
But that´s exactly the point - not to do that - So we really do agree :D
The top notch acting in the Weisz/Craig/Spall 'Betrayal' is emotionally true, often v funny and its beautifully staged with filmic qualities..

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Post by vesper »

magch wrote:
Do you remember where you read the interview?
It was an interview of Heike Makatsch about her new film which started in German cinemas in the october issue of the German Instyle. Some Interviews with Heike M. have been published in Germany the last few months and in each interview they made an allusion to Daniel. HM never said anything negative about him.

Although we're all slightly interested in the reasons why they split off we will never know why as human behavior and relationsships are very complex.
Vesper - Well, I do hope you gave your parents hell for that.
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Post by magch »

vesper wrote:magch wrote:
Do you remember where you read the interview?
It was an interview of Heike Makatsch about her new film which started in German cinemas in the october issue of the German Instyle. Some Interviews with Heike M. have been published in Germany the last few months and in each interview they made an allusion to Daniel. HM never said anything negative about him.

Although we're all slightly interested in the reasons why they split off we will never know why as human behavior and relationsships are very complex.
Thanks and I agree very much with you about the complex of human behaviors and relationships. I wonder whether Heike is tired of people asking her about DC.
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Post by Germangirl »

Old news also, but I never read this interview

From Marie Claire
This interview has been edited for MarieClaire.co.uk; to read the full interview, pick up the December 2006 issue of Marie Claire.

Daniel Craig THE SIXTH JAMES Bond greets me with a warm handshake and advises against sitting on the sofa, because it's too squashy. 'You'll sink right down,' he warns. 'Much as I'd like to dominate you, you'll probably be more comfortable on a chair.' :lol: He's joking – a nod, perhaps, to past interviews that pegged him as aggressive and overbearing. But as we chat, my preconceptions fade. Craig may be private about his personal life, but he seems likeable and genuine.

'We finished filming [Casino Royale] on Friday,' he says. 'So, if I seem a little exhausted, that's why. I'm not allowing myself to go crazy yet, though, or we wouldn't even be having this interview. I'd be in the bar.' If Craig seems threatening, it's because, in preparation for 007, he beefed himself to the degree that his forearms are the width of most people's thighs. The point, he explains, was to make his portrayal of the new, darker, edgier Bond more realistic. 'I wanted to look like I could hurt someone,' he confides. The results are dramatic. In Casino Royale, the classic James Bond cliché of a beautiful woman emerging from the sea is reversed; this time, Craig is the Venus. His rippling torso might provoke gasps from the audience – and not just because of his tight swimwear. 'The trunks were my choice,' he says. 'We discussed ten pairs. Bond shouldn't wear Bermuda shorts. It's just not right. Anyway, the ones I chose aren't that skimpy. I mean they're not Speedos. That would have been wrong.'

Apart from trunk selection, Craig insists he had plenty of input into Casino Royale. The film has almost no gadgets, a fully developed love story and grittier feel than 007's previous outings. 'There's quite a lot of blood,' he says. 'You actually see the consequence of violence.' Ironically, Craig has been criticised for not being macho enough for 007. He laughs in disbelief. 'There was even a piece in the paper that said, “Bond uses wet wipes!” What should I use? Sandpaper? Yes, I use grooming products. They are given to me. Occasionally, I have a bit of a regime, then get bored with all that three-step T-zone bollocks.'

Ever since it was announced that he had won the role, Craig has endured insults, being called 'Mr Potato Head' and 'putridly ugly'. He may not have Pierce Brosnan's model looks but he is charismatic and craggy. His blue eyes are mesmerising, his features have a Mount Rushmore solidity and, until the Bond furore, he was considered a bit of a looker, especially after his affair with Kate Moss. It must have been a shock to go from sex god to 'Shrek-alike' overnight. Thankfully, Bond producers Barbara Broccoli and Michael Wilson have paid little heed to the negative press, reportedly signing him up for the next Bond movie. Nonetheless, did some of the criticism sting? He laughs. 'What, like, “He's too ugly?” What can I do? My mother loves me.'

After a stint at London's National Youth Theatre, Craig attended the Guildhall School of Music and Drama alongside Rhys Ifans, Ewan McGregor and Joseph Fiennes. He made ends meet working as a waiter and reportedly slept on the odd park bench. At 24, he married actress Fiona Loudon and they have a 14-year-old daughter, Ella. The marriage lasted four years. Afterwards, he had a seven-year relationship with actress Heike Makatsch. For the past two years, he's been living in London with film producer Satsuki Mitchell, 30.

Craig has never shied away from playing unsympathetic characters, but he admits to thinking deeply before taking on Bond. In the novel Casino Royale, 007 is almost comically misogynistic. 'My first thought was, “Fucking hell, how do we do this?” he says. 'There's always been that unpleasant side to Bond – Sean Connery used to smack women around the face as 007! I was interested in why Bond is like that. You can't forgive him, but at least you go, “OK, I see why he behaves that way.” If he seems morally corrupt, it's because he's getting paid to kill people.' Those who think 007 deserves a cruel punishment meted out on his genitals will be gratified to find out that this happens in Casino Royale. 'Oh, yes,' Craig winces. 'You see the henchman take a chair and knife the bottom out of it and then I'm sat in it naked. They hit Bond [under the chair] with a spliced ship's rope. The bottom of the chair was fibreglass and it broke once. Fucking hell, I moved quickly.'

We discuss the leading ladies Craig has worked with, ranging from Gwyneth Paltrow – 'a lovely lady' – to Angelina Jolie, who described him as 'one of the best kissers'. 'I'm honoured,' he smirks. 'She's not bad herself. I really respect her. She's doing something incredibly positive with her fame.' He is less expansive when asked about working with Sienna Miller. 'Oh, fuck off,' he chuckles. Well? There's a pause. 'It was absolutely fine,' he says. Craig first met Miller on Layer Cake, in which they shared a steamy hotel-room scene; by all accounts, they took their work home. Two years later, at the height of revelations about Jude Law's affair with his nanny, reports emerged that Law was 'incandescent with rage', after Miller allegedly cheated on him with Craig, an old friend.

Craig's first experience of media attention came in October 2004, when his relationship with Kate Moss became public. He admitted at the time that, 'It's not easy for two successful people to be together.' I ask him if the Bond furore compares to the pressures of being in a relationship with the world's most famous model. 'Well, yeah,' he says uncomfortably. 'I understand the interest, but I won't talk publicly about any relationship, because that's behaving like a prick. At that press conference, they asked me questions that I wouldn't answer, so they called me “James Bland”. Well, fuck you, I don't care. But yes, it gave me a taste of what this would be like – being followed and so on.' He takes a deep breath. 'Sorry to be aggressive. I didn't mean to be,' he says, softening. I say I don't find him aggressive, just honest, and we discuss whether being forthright can sometimes give the wrong impression. 'The thing I'm most glad about is that people don't really know what I am,' he says. 'But of course you get labelled.' So what of his 'difficult and aggressive' label? 'I do get that,' he sighs, breaking into a grin. 'But I'm not really. I'm a big softie.'
The top notch acting in the Weisz/Craig/Spall 'Betrayal' is emotionally true, often v funny and its beautifully staged with filmic qualities..

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Post by Cyanaurora »

I logve these 2 comments.

He laughs. 'What, like, “He's too ugly?” What can I do? My mother loves me.'
So what of his 'difficult and aggressive' label? 'I do get that,' he sighs, breaking into a grin. 'But I'm not really. I'm a big softie.'
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Post by magch »

Germangirl, nice avatar. Picture perfect couple. :D
Thanks for posting. I remember reading this long time ago. I like the fact that he is a very private person. Taking the Bond role got to be one of the most difficult decision for him. All the media attention and a change of course in his acting career, so far he is handling quite well, not too over exposed, justing focusing on his work. I really respect that!
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Post by Germangirl »

magch wrote:Germangirl, nice avatar. Picture perfect couple. :D
Thanks for posting. I remember reading this long time ago. I like the fact that he is a very private person. Taking the Bond role got to be one of the most difficult decision for him. All the media attention and a change of course in his acting career, so far he is handling quite well, not too over exposed, justing focusing on his work. I really respect that!
Thx magch - yes - perfect couple - at least for now and hopefully many years to come. :wink:
The top notch acting in the Weisz/Craig/Spall 'Betrayal' is emotionally true, often v funny and its beautifully staged with filmic qualities..

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Post by Loofah »

Overbearing and aggressive? No way. He comes off as modest and charming. :)
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Post by agrippina »

The Marie Claire interview was in the gallery, but it was one that was lost in the crash. I haven't checked if someone has had the scans. I hope so, it was a good interview!

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Post by summer_wine »


I found this old interview... maybe some of you didn't have a chance to read it. :)
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Post by Laredo »

Good one , never saw that one in the gallery . His 'friend " ... I wish they had better names for girlfriends . Seemed very relaxed .
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