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i can just picture it in my mind!
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Post by togal »

What a great story Anglophile. Now I have a true Daniel hero story to add to my daydreams. ***sigh***
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Post by Anglophile »

This just in:

AAPTuesday June 26, 11:12 PM
James Bond actor lends voice to kids

James Bond actor Daniel Craig has become the voice of a charity campaign to change attitudes towards troubled children in Britain.

The 39-year-old Casino Royale star has recorded radio slots for children's charity Barnardo's urging people not to give up on difficult youngsters.

The charity says fears about uncontrollable and "feral" children are exaggerated.

It found in a survey that a quarter of adults thought that disruptive or antisocial children were already beyond help by the time they were just 13.

The poll of more than 1,000 adults also found that two-thirds believed children are more criminal than ever.

Barnardo's said youth crime had actually fallen substantially since 1995, according to the government's British Crime Survey.

"How did it happen that we have become so dismissive of children" said Barnardo's chief executive Martin Narey.

"Some children's behaviour is unacceptable and it has to be challenged. But we must not use that as an excuse to write off a generation."

The charity's campaign, Believe in Children, says all young people could be helped, no matter how difficult, unpleasant or uncooperative.

"The alternative is to dismiss an underclass of children who have nothing to lose and who face nothing more than permanent unemployment, non-achievement and almost inevitably a life of crime," the charity said.

Last year, Prime Minister Tony Blair stirred up controversy when he said the state should possibly intervene even before birth to stop the children of problem families growing up into troublemakers.
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Post by 007cheese »

Wow! Daniel really does it all, doesn't he? And it's not like it ever shows up as something self promoting...it's always appearing after the fact from a general source. So amazingly fantastic.
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Post by sharmaine »

So that's the second story of an unselfish act of bravery that Dan did. I am so impressed. From the earlier interview re: Tomb Raider, it seemed that he was a little concerned about safety re: glaciers but in real life, he does not seem afraid of risking his safety....strange. When he doesn't have to think about it....he just does what is necessary. Love this man. I don't know if I want to saved by him or save him myself.
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Post by Germangirl »

sharmaine wrote: I don't know if I want to saved by him or save him myself.
Nothing wrong with having it either way, shar.
The top notch acting in the Weisz/Craig/Spall 'Betrayal' is emotionally true, often v funny and its beautifully staged with filmic qualities..

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What a guy...

Post by chrissie »

Thanks Anglophile. What a great story.
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