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Post by Littlesue »

Dunda wrote:Naomie Harris: I’m glad I didn’t bed Bond ... -Bond.html
I always assumed they had had a bit of a bonk after the shave, just my dirty mind. That dress she is wearing does nothing for the bust line :(
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Post by Sylvia's girl »

Dunda wrote:Naomie Harris: I’m glad I didn’t bed Bond ... -Bond.html
Beat you to it!! :tongue: :wink:
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Post by SmittenDramaKitten »

Sylvia's girl wrote:Andrew themis ‏@Andrew_themis

Skyfall launch at Tesco Ness Side, supported by 006 and a half!! 81% of stock sold on day one.
HLAJ's post is also interesting... I really would like to know what kind of units it's shifting. But then, until the official numbers come out, if you didn't work in retail how would you know??! :dunno:
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Post by Sylvia's girl »

Exclusive: 25 things we learned about Skyfall and the future of Bond

Naomie Harris, writers and producers spill the beans while promoting DVD release.

The origins of Skyfall and killing M

The death of M, played by Judi Dench, was the starting point for the writers, and discussed by Sam [Mendes], Barbara [Broccoli], Michael [G. Wilson] and Dan [Craig] right at the beginning. “We’d all agreed to kill Judi Dench and that gives you this amazing hook,” said Robert Wade.

‘Skyfall’ was an original story, but the writers mined two novels for inspiration: ‘You Only Live Twice’ and ‘The Man With The Golden Gun’. The films of the same name were only loosely based on the books.

The seeds of the Silva character [played by Javier Bardem] came from ‘Golden Gun’.

The theme of M, MI6 and Britain in crisis came from ‘You Only Live Twice’. Wade said: “The Japanese won’t share their intelligence with us and Bond, considered to be burnt out, is sent on a mission to restore British prestige. If he doesn’t succeed he’ll die and Britain is finished. It’s interesting that that’s what appealed to us, it kind of summed us [Purvis and Wade] up too.” The duo have quit the franchise to pursue other projects.

Daniel Craig was the driving force behind Bond being out of shape and too old. “[He] really embraced the idea of looking done in and being washed up - played out,” said Purvis.

The writers came up with the idea for Bond’s journey back to the Skyfall lodge in Scotland while Purvis was on a train, chatting to Wade. He was possibly passing through Croydon.

Reviving the franchise after 'Quantum Of Solace'

The Bond team took the criticism doled out to ‘Quantum Of Solace’ onboard while planning ‘Skyfall’. Purvis admitted the film felt “one note” and too focused on Bond’s revenge. Translation: it was depressing.

Producer Michael G. Wilson said they also listened to fans who wanted classic characters back. “People said, ‘we miss these characters’. The thought was to bring them back, but in a more up –to-date way... we do these [films] to please the public, not ourselves.”

Producers only told Naomie Harris she’d be playing Moneypenny in her third audition. “The first two times I didn’t know at all,” she said, “and then I met Sam and Barbara and they said ‘this is who the character really is’”. Maybe they were scared about spoilers leaking out?

It was Daniel Craig, along with Sam Mendes, who wanted to bring “more lightness” back to Bond again after the deadly serious ‘Casino Royale’ and ‘Quantum’.

Naomie Harris thinks ‘Skyfall’ was planned as a “reboot”. She said: “Sam and the writers wanted to go back to the grassroots. To start again almost like it was a baby. To look again at the books. Because you are creating something totally original, you need to go back more to the novels, to ground it, to get the true essence of what it means to be Bond. They really listened to people’s reactions to the previous films.”

Introducing new villain Silva and that seduction scene

The scene that introduces Silva in a single shot, walking through the warehouse and giving his ‘rats on an island’ monologue, was apparently inspired by a story told to Sam Mendes by Conrad Hall, his cinematographer on ‘American Beauty’.

Sam Mendes had the set for this scene (a huge warehouse) designed to be just the right length to fit Bardem’s monologue.

The famous ‘seduction’ sequence right after this - where Silva flirtatiously intimidates Bond - was in the script but amped up by Craig and Bardem. “It was a real headgame, both seeing how far they can push the other in a psychological chess game,” said Wilson.

Daniel Craig’s BAFTA snub and behind-the-scenes influence

Purvis thinks Craig’s BAFTA nomination for ‘Casino Royale’ cost him one this time round. “I think that worked against him.”

Barbara Broccoli considers Craig to be “the best actor of his generation” and was the driving force behind hiring him originally.

Wilson was annoyed that Craig was not acknowledged for ‘Skyfall’. He said: “I don’t think he gets enough credit in the awards end of things. I do feel that he hasn’t been acknowledged for the important role, and for his talents in the awards this year, which I think is a shame, because he’s so highly talented and deserving of something.”

Craig should have a producer credit, according to Harris, as he puts so much work in behind the camera on his character and the direction of the franchise.

Why Bond doesn’t win Oscars

Bond has been nominated for 42 BAFTAs but only won once before this year (for Ted Moore's cinematography in ‘From Russia With Love’ in 1963). “I think it is weird,” said Purvis.

Bond is too British to win at the Oscars, according to Wade. “Bond represents Britain. He was the most memorable thing about the opening ceremony of the Olympics. Bond is this symbol of what Britain could be or might’ve been or was once and this doesn’t go over well with the Americans. British optimism versus the American optimism. Look at the films that are nominated. ‘Argo’, about an American success. Same with ‘Zero Dark Thirty’, ‘Lincoln’, even ‘Django Unchained’ is celebratory.”

The future of James Bond

Wade reckons Mendes assembled a “fantastic troupe of actors” to stand the franchise in good stead for several movies. “Naomie Harris. Ben Whishaw. Judi Dench is a hard act to follow but Ralph [Fiennes] is not too shabby himself. And he knows his Fleming as well.”

No one confirmed that Mendes will be back, but it’s clear everyone wants him to. “I would love that,” said Harris. “I’m sure everyone would like him to come back and do another one,” said Wade. It seems inevitable.

Broccoli and Wilson seem fairly certain that the behind-the-scenes talent like cinematographer Roger Deakins, nominated for an Oscar for ‘Skyfall’, and production designer Dennis Gassner, will also return for ‘Bond 24’ with Mendes. “We’d love to have them all back, they’re really top notch,’ said Wilson. “[For] the next film or two, I hope so.”

The duo has not considered a replacement for Craig yet when he eventually hangs up his tuxedo. “It’s kind of like saying to someone who’s in love, ‘what if you break up? ‘What if your wife leaves you?’ I don’t really want to think about that,” said Broccoli. ... 13731.html
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Post by tbossmc2000 »

Bond is too British to win at the Oscars, according to Wade. “Bond represents Britain. He was the most memorable thing about the opening ceremony of the Olympics. Bond is this symbol of what Britain could be or might’ve been or was once and this doesn’t go over well with the Americans. British optimism versus the American optimism. Look at the films that are nominated. ‘Argo’, about an American success. Same with ‘Zero Dark Thirty’, ‘Lincoln’, even ‘Django Unchained’ is celebratory.”
A fantastic sentence, I forget sometimes how egotistical us American's are. We think we are the only ones that can save the world and are superior to all.
Don't get me worng, I am proud to be am american and proud of my country.
I never thought about the movies nominated this year.
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Post by Germangirl »

I am glad, its not only my fangirlhood, that makes me :evil: about the snub.
The top notch acting in the Weisz/Craig/Spall 'Betrayal' is emotionally true, often v funny and its beautifully staged with filmic qualities..

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Post by caramel »

Sylvia's girl wrote:Exclusive: 25 things we learned about Skyfall and the future of Bond ... 13731.html
Well it is very nice to know that we are not alone in thinking he is being under appreciated during award season.
The people involved in making the movie being vocal about it is some consolation I guess.
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Post by Germangirl »

Yes, I also loved Sam commenting about it at Bafta. Maybe they start thinking - but its a little bit, I think, because he is not as visible as others. Not enough "Into your face"
Just a bit reason, but still...
The top notch acting in the Weisz/Craig/Spall 'Betrayal' is emotionally true, often v funny and its beautifully staged with filmic qualities..

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Post by sf2la »

Thank you, SG! The best interview yet. Great info and so much Daniel love. I don't buy the British thing though. How do they explain 'The Artist' and 'Slumdog Millionaire? I do think SF should be nominated, but I absolutely think Aro, Zero DT, and Lincoln should have been too. Historical movies get a boost from me because just knowing they are true makes them more believable. But SF is right up there.
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Post by Elvenstar »

sf2la wrote:Thank you, SG! The best interview yet. Great info and so much Daniel love. I don't buy the British thing though. How do they explain 'The Artist' and 'Slumdog Millionaire?
yeah its BS imo :)

& imo
SF is underappreciated just b/c its a Bond film & Bond films are considered 'mainstream entertainment'
Often they're thought of as silly with predictable plot & villains & cliches

Hollywood loves British & French or whatever but these members of 'academy' think of themselves as awarding smth 'artistic' & 'high brow' when in fact Argo is a mainstream film as well as most of the movies this year with the exception of Amour & Beasts & maybe Pi

CR should have been nominated too in a lot of categories (& acting too) if these awards are fair & unbiased but they're not
SF boxoffice & Mendes influenced 5 noms this year & Im thankful 4 that

& can u honestly say Argo is better than SF?
Its a great film but imo its awarded left & right also bc of Clooney & co rubbing shoulders & organize dinners with ppl who matter

the american angle influences but not the main thing in snubbing 4 sure
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Post by Sylvia's girl »

Daniel Craig on fans’ expectations and keeping fit for James Bond role

The Skyfall star talks about dealing with fans’ expectations, keeping in shape for 007 and why he’s not cut out for comedy

How do you deal with the huge expectations around a new Bond film?
The movies wouldn’t get made unless people liked them. The most important people in the process are the people that go and see it. But you can’t think about the expectation; you just have to get on with doing as good a job as you can. You can’t be thinking: ‘I hope people like this; I hope people like me.’ You just gotta say: ‘You know, I’m standing in a room with Sam Mendes, Ralph Fiennes, Roger Deakins, Chris Corbould and it’s amazing.’

What was your training regime for Skyfall?Much the same as before… going to the gym. I have to train to keep my level of fitness high enough in case I do get injured. I work six-day weeks for six months and there’s no real down-time, so you have to learn to pace yourself. And eat properly.

You’re also very stylish. Do you enjoy fashion?I don’t know if I enjoy fashion but I like beautiful clothes. One of the perks of this gig is I get nice clothes. I’ve always liked tailoring; my grandfather was a tailor, so I suppose it runs in the family.

Did you enjoy the dark sense of humour in this film?When I started this, I always wanted to wipe the slate clean and be able to get back to the humour and the darkness. The humour always came out of dark situations in Bond. And this time, having John Logan on board writing wonderful dialogue, it helped us find the lightness.

Would you like to do comedy roles?Not especially, no. The thing is, comedy’s really difficult. There are comedians who make films today and they have a process: most of it is doing improvisation. There isn’t a script; they come along and they have an idea and they make it. And I don’t know how to work like that. There are very few writers out there who write great comedy and when there is one, they get snapped up very quickly. And I need a funny script, I can’t just yuk it up. ... e-3506394/

Craig 'nothing' like James Bond

Los Angeles, Feb 21: Actor Daniel Craig says he is different from his onscreen James Bond character in "every way".
The 44-year-old has portrayed the role of the British superspy in three movies, "Casino Royale", "Quantum of Solace" and "Skyfall".
Asked in what ways he is different from 007, he said: "Every way. Nothing - that man has nothing to do with me. Nothing at all, no."
While Craig admits he has been typecast by a number of people for playing Bond, he has no plans to relinquish the role, reports
"It's working out for me at the moment. So I will keep at it, and there will be other stuff to do. When I accepted the job, I knew that it would have a major effect on my career," he said.
"I mean, people would find it very difficult not to see me as Bond now, which I always knew would happen. But what can I do about it? It was my choice to be Bond. So I've got to get on with it and try to be the best Bond I can," he added. ... -bond.html
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Post by Sylvia's girl »

Skyfall' Dominates Home Video Sales Charts

The latest James Bond movie sold more than five times as many copies as it closest competitor, "Hotel Transylvania." ... les-422893
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Post by Dunda »

Thanks to Alex.

another pic from Daniel's visit in Afghanistan


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Post by sf2la »

Love it!!!! Thanks A & D!!
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Post by Germangirl »

This is how I like him best. Such a difference to the granddad clothes he puts on at times :twisted:
The top notch acting in the Weisz/Craig/Spall 'Betrayal' is emotionally true, often v funny and its beautifully staged with filmic qualities..

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