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Post by tbossmc2000 »

OK, I am here, wait a cotton picken minute. Lets not get our panties in a bunch.
Caramel, no regrets reading the book. Anything about history and learning something is good.
Pull do we know he was really in. Did he ever talk about it? did GC ever speak about the cast?
I am playing devils advocate here. GC has his good ol boys club and Matt Damon is in his click. All the other actors named are not.
I spent hours trying to figure out what part Daniel would play. He doesn't like having to do American accents and 99% of the cast is portraying American soldiers. That's why I kept going back to Bulfor. I am not going to go into his part for those that did not read the book.
Bob Balaban could play Bulfor without much make up and Hollywood magic, he looks a lot like him already, just about 25 years older.
SO, I think 1 disappointment could open a door to a really exciting project.
He always surprises us, we are so focused on 1 thing we aren't looking at other options.
Broadway plays takes months of preparation and practice, it would probably be a 12 week run with 2 to 3 weeks pre shows like ASR.
Again lots of American accent to work on. Rachel weaves her accent in an out so easily Daniel hasn't mastered that craft so well.
Maybe he want's to go right back into Bond, if Mendes is directing they could still be on a high from the success of Skyfall.
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Post by sf2la »

Does he have to have an American accent for the play? I sure hope not. He has such a beautiful way of speaking (f-this and c-that included :lol: )

I also think he's happy about getting back to Bond, provided its another great movie. But wow, what a tough movie to folllow but will be a challenge to match.
Last edited by sf2la on Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:05 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by tbossmc2000 »

sf2la wrote:Does he have to have an American accent for the play? I sure hope not. He has such a beautiful way of speaking (f-this and c-that included :lol: )

I also think he's happy about getting back to Bond, provided its another great movie. But wow, what a tough movie to folllow bit will be a challenge to match it.
Oh, :shock: I hadn't really thought about the characters for the play.
I have to do some research as I am not failure with it. Yes it would be beautiful to hear his natural voice.
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Post by Maybelline »

It's unfortunate he isn't in it because I think it's actually Oscar bait. I also think he was replaced by Damon.

A few months ago I find a quote from Samantha Morton his Enduring Love co-star and she described the casting process when something has Oscar potential. Here is her quote:
“It’s more about women like Nicole Kidman wanting roles that are meant to be for me. Movie star actors have their people look at Oscar-worthy films for them. They are looking for that nomination, which is more likely to come in a lower-budget film. The directors of those films might have been in touch with people like myself, or maybe Kate Winslet, Rachel Weisz, or Maggie Gyllenhaal, before they’ve got a producer. You meet the director a few times, develop a rapport … and before you know it they have Nicole Kidman doing your film because they’ve said to the director, ‘You can have $50m if you have her.’ So you get used to it.” ... -my-roles/

I think that something similar happened with Dan and Damon and also last year when Rachel was suddenly and ironically replaced by Nicole Kidman for a baity role in "The Railway Man".
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Post by sf2la »

Ooooh! Good find, May! My friend with the HW connection has told me the same thing. Low budget and the actor's audience draw is critical to a film's success. But more interesting to read it as a quote like that.
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Post by Maybelline »

sf2la wrote:Ooooh! Good find, May! My friend with the HW connection has told me the same thing. Low budget and the actor's audience draw is critical to a film's success. But more interesting to read it as a quote like that.
Good to hear it's possibly true from you/your friend what Morton has to say because I think she sounds in her first sentence a little bit bitter. :wink:
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Post by caramel »

Betrayal - I believe the chars are Brits.

"Betrayal is a play written by Harold Pinter in 1978. Critically regarded as one of the English playwright's major dramatic works, it features his characteristically economical dialogue, characters' hidden emotions and veiled motivations, and their self-absorbed competitive one-upmanship, face-saving, dishonesty, and (self-)deceptions."

About the American accent - I was talking about the Texas accent he might have to have (guessing here) if he plays that char tampa was talking about in Ends of the Earth.
I think tampa is from there.
maybe she could volunteer to help coach him? tampa, are you up for it? :twisted: You can opt to get your payment in kind :lol:
Last edited by caramel on Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by sf2la »

The play sounds :shock: :hyper:
I'm actually very surprised that they are doing this together. Logistically it makes sense, but they make an attempt to not be identified as a 'couple', if you know what I mean. And here they are headlining. Maybe because it's temporary theater and not a permanent film. I don't know, but I am puzzled. I totally see her wanting to do it, but him? But then, I think he'd do whatever she wants.
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Post by Tuulia »

sf2la wrote:Tuulia, Of course he enjoys them, but would he have returned without that big pay increase? Would he have worked for what he got paid in CR and QoS? I say 'No.' he would have completed his 3-film contract and gone onto other things. Just my opinion.
Ok. It sounded like you felt his main reason (or even only reason) was money, which I don't believe. How many millions he'd need to do work he loves I obviously have no idea, I just assume he does stuff he likes as opposed to stuff that he gets most money out of.
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Post by Tuulia »

caramel wrote:
sf2la wrote:Tuulia, Of course he enjoys them, but would he have returned without that big pay increase? Would he have worked for what he got paid in CR and QoS? I say 'No.' he would have completed his 3-film contract and gone onto other things. Just my opinion.

I agree. The Rolling Stones article quotes him saying how desperately he was trying to get out.
The producers convinced him into taking more and obviously promised him enough and made it impossible for him to refuse.
You think he was serious about trying desperately to get out? :shock:
Oh. I certainly didn't, sounded like joking to me, he's said similar stuff also in a presser/interview when Barbara has been present and she jokes about it, too. *shrug* Wouldn't it be crazy for him to say in public he wants to get out of a job like that? The producers would be pissed off, for one thing, not good for their working relationship, and bad PR for movie and franchise. And in general he wouldn't be doing himself any favours and he's hardly stupid.
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Post by caramel »

Tuulia wrote:
caramel wrote:
sf2la wrote:Tuulia, Of course he enjoys them, but would he have returned without that big pay increase? Would he have worked for what he got paid in CR and QoS? I say 'No.' he would have completed his 3-film contract and gone onto other things. Just my opinion.

I agree. The Rolling Stones article quotes him saying how desperately he was trying to get out.
The producers convinced him into taking more and obviously promised him enough and made it impossible for him to refuse.
You think he was serious about trying desperately to get out? :shock:
Oh. I certainly didn't, sounded like joking to me, he's said similar stuff also in a presser/interview when Barbara has been present and she jokes about it, too. *shrug* Wouldn't it be crazy for him to say in public he wants to get out of a job like that? The producers would be pissed off, for one thing, not good for their working relationship, and bad PR for movie and franchise. And in general he wouldn't be doing himself any favours and he's hardly stupid.
What you stated here is exactly how I felt when I read the excerpts from that interview for the first time.
But reading the whole interview (unlike the excerpts) kind of gives you the tone of the set up and I think he was genuine in saying that, yes.
At that time I remember a few angry tweets but it seemed to disappear right away.
The advantage he has is that he is adored and respected by the producers. They know where he is coming from and that he meant no disrespect. So no bad feelings. jmo.
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Post by Tuulia »

^^ Hmm, ok, but I have read the whole interview (and similar comments in other contexts - also not out of context excerpts), and I didn't get the feeling you got. Besides, he says he has been trying to get out since he got in - in other words decided Bond was a mistake as soon as he had agreed to it, and has basically been forced to continue against his wishes, movie after movie, and then also to sign on for some more. Seriously? That doesn't make any sense to me unless he was joking.
Last edited by Tuulia on Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by tampa »

caramel wrote:Betrayal - I believe the chars are Brits.

"Betrayal is a play written by Harold Pinter in 1978. Critically regarded as one of the English playwright's major dramatic works, it features his characteristically economical dialogue, characters' hidden emotions and veiled motivations, and their self-absorbed competitive one-upmanship, face-saving, dishonesty, and (self-)deceptions."

About the American accent - I was talking about the Texas accent he might have to have (guessing here) if he plays that char tampa was talking about in Ends of the Earth.
I think tampa is from there.
maybe she could volunteer to help coach him? tampa, are you up to it? :twisted: You can opt to get your payment in kind :lol:
Yes I would sure do that work for free :) Like I would pay them to do it.

I live in Texas but have just been here for about 5 years. Texas is weird, weird, weird. It's like its own country, and Texas accents are also weird. I can never figure them out. Some native Texans have no accent, but many have this unusual kind of drawl, it's not really a southern accent, but it has a real very specific twang sound, if that makes sense. If he got the part, and I fear he won't, he sure would need a voice coach. I think I read somewhere that he did shoot one of his films in Austin, so he knows Texas. It seems like such a juicy role. Probaby every major actor in their 40s and 50s is gunning for the role.
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Post by Germangirl »

lol @ caramel and Tampa - right were you two left it. Just don't forget the smileys once in a while. :wink:

Reg Bond - me too, I never took his remark in RS serious. Too often I heard him SAY, that he never - not even slightly - regrettet taking on Bond, being typecast and all. But he is not stupid, even IF he would do it for free, he will take, what he can get, just because everything else would be unprofessional, too IMO.

Reg MM - I think also, that he dropped out and Damon got in not the other way around. That would have been unfair by Clooney and I believe, he thought it out beforehand, whom he wants in his film.
Is iit a good idea to drop out of such a film? Right now, I would say no, but we have to see, how things work out.

IMO there is enough time to do a film, do the play and go into Bond. I don't think, time was the reason - only if he wants ore free time and the play came up and he preferred to do that and not the film AND the play.

I am sad and initially shocked, because when will we see him now? Certainly no film this year either.
But this proves once again, that he is not in it for the fanfare. He didn't use any of the SF hype to up his career or profile. He just disappeared.

But as someone said - he is always good for a surprise, so now, I am waiting for said surprise :lol:
The top notch acting in the Weisz/Craig/Spall 'Betrayal' is emotionally true, often v funny and its beautifully staged with filmic qualities..

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Post by honeyjes »

tampa wrote:I've been gone a long time, tough family time last year. I've been reading stuff, but not posting.

I will jump back in with my usual "contrarian" views on stuff cause I actually hope he pulled out of MM. Clooney will have a big hero role and I was ticked when he hired Matt D. who has been a total s.... in many interviews over the last 5-6 years trashing Bond and showing Daniel disrespect in his comments. It was petty and I think motivated by jealousy. I think DC's screen time and role would have been limited as I'd bet Clooney and Damon will get the juicy roles. I also agree with sf, as I bet he would be making next to nothing unless the film was a big $$ hit, which I kind of doubt. I think he would have done it for sure if it were a great role so he must have had good reasons to withdraw. (Maybe he is still doing it as a small cameo with no credit.)DC is way over due for a great non Bond major role and I don't think it's MM or another Tattoo where he is mostly playing second fiddle to Mara. I hope something else is in the works other than the play and another Bond. tampa
Hope your family troubles are easing, posting on here can be therapeutic. With the MM, I was never sure it was a done deal, because not once have I seen/read Daniel make any comments about this. Just seemed like speculation to me so I’m neither surprised nor disappointed. I think we tend to get carried away sometimes when projecting our own wants and discounting other possibilities.

One of the reason I admire this man is because he is so predictably unpredictable. One can never second guess Daniel’s motivation which makes it hard for us sometimes but infinitely more interesting. Any other actor with Skyfall’s success and if money and the golden statue are the main driving factors for him would have led him to taking a tonne of mileage in riding that publicity wave, but he hasn’t and didn’t even appear at the Oscars. Apart from the DVD release posters he’s pretty much dropped off the planet but one thing is for sure, he will resurface in his own good time to frustrate, disappoint and delight us.
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