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Post by sf2la »

sf2la wrote:I saw it tonight at the Empire IMAX in London. I don't know.... I much referred CR (the best) and then SF to Spectre. Action and effects are very impressive. Monica's part seemed gratuitous - over in a blink, and I guess it really comes down to there was nothing sexy about it. If it were any other 50-yr-old woman, I don't think she'd have been invited to the photo call. There was a scene that was headed somewhere with Lea, but ''CUT!' No DC all, except for a pretty worthless beginning shot that was mostly in the dark and only from his pecs up. Acting from everyone was great, but I didn't feel any chemistry between Bond and the blonde. Not that would warrant any kind of devotion to her. Or vice versa.. I give it a 7/10. I absolutely feel he could walk away from another Bond because this could wraps up his Bond nicely, and I believe him when he says he's given this Bond all he has to offer and it would just be for the money if he were to do another. Who knows.

Really disappointed in BB for keeping Daniel in long sleeves 95% of the time and stripping it of sex appeal.

I have a friend from the States out for 5 days, and today we played tourist, including the London Eye. So it felt like a bonus to have spent 9 hours walking London today and then seeing those same places in the movie tonight. That was fun.

The London Times gives it 5/5 stars, but I think you'd have to be a man or not be attracted to Daniel to rank it so highly.
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Post by Sylvia's girl »

He said in radio interview that he didn't feel the need to strip off this time.
However, I heard that the love scene and with Monica was drastically cut to appease the censors. It was originally rated a 15 certificate and they needed a 12 certificate for obvious reasons. Another couple of scenes were also cut because they were deemed too violent.
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Post by sf2la »

Oh no! Sorry, don't know how I quoted myself! Eek! Too much space to waste!!

His acting is great. Everyone's is. It's obvious he's in fine shape under ALL those clothes. The suits fit better this time. It's the way he stands and moves that make him so...handsome.

I think my opinion of the movie was tainted by watching spoiler photos, clips, and the previews. I always try to avoid everything until by butt was in the seat, but the dry spell got too long. I couldn't abstain. So the opening sequence didn't blow me away as it would have normally. It was amazing.

My favorite part of the movie to me right now are the photos and vid that were published of Rachel and him together at the premiere. That was worth everything. It's never been Bond for me; it's always Daniel. And he showed his lovely self, the 'dreamy husband.' Her love for him in interviews and at this premiere is like they are on their honeymoon, and the way he kissed her by holding her head, oh my, that's the Daniel that I love.
Last edited by sf2la on Sun Nov 01, 2015 9:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Germangirl »

Yes, it was such a short moment, just kissing her Good Bye (also just for a short tie, I suppose), but it was very lovingly. And in front of all, like - as with everything else, I don't care. If I want to do something or say something, I just do it.

And at this moment he felt like kissing his lovely wife. :twisted:
The top notch acting in the Weisz/Craig/Spall 'Betrayal' is emotionally true, often v funny and its beautifully staged with filmic qualities..

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Post by SmittenDramaKitten »

Sf, I really think you need to see it another time or two to 'get into it'. Last night was my third time and, like the first at IMAX, I was 'quietly blown away'. I don't know WHERE I was on Wednesday when I struggled to make a connection with the characters and the story. But I still REALLY LOVE IT. :D :twisted: OK, so we get no 'naked Danny' to speak of but there is always that amazing face, his lips, his eyes. :twisted: That was what I was 'getting off on' last night. :wink: The title sequence has him shirtless but I know that hardly feels 'adequate' since we have been starved of Daniel for so long. Now I am just wondering when would be a suitable length of time to go and see it again, since I am off work next week and, honestly, no money to do much else. Do I leave it one day, two days, three? Honestly, I could see it again TODAY but I might feel too indulgent for that. And after all, I have my Daniel movies on dvd at home. 8) Btw, the cinema was not rammed last night like it was on Wednesday night. There were three seats next to me in the second row empty and about four in the front. Maybe it was because it was Halloween and people were going to parties? But I thought it was weird that those front row seats were empty, especially as I tried to book front row and was told on the website there was no availability. Would people book and then just not turn up?! :o :? Guess it could be for any reason.... :dunno: I just hope the movie stays in cinemas for many weeks yet. But I am a bit concerned that maybe the 'post release drop off' will be such that it isn't in cinema's for as long as SF. If that happens, I won't meet my '17' target, as set by Sam. :wink:

Oh and please don't talk to me about dry spells. That is too much for me to handle or think about right now. :?
Last edited by SmittenDramaKitten on Sun Nov 01, 2015 9:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by sf2la »

H SG! Yeah, well so he doesn't want to be take his shirt GG said, who's the boss? BB failed us. He's already proven that's he's a serious actor. A naked man's torso is not the same as a woman's, so what's the big deal for him? Throw us a bone! :twisted: :lol:
Last edited by sf2la on Mon Nov 02, 2015 11:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Germangirl »

QWe will never be able to quite figure him out. Every time you think, you do, he proves you wrong. Bastard :twisted:

@Kitten - you better let the thought of a huge dry spell sink in or you will fall into a big black hole. Its gonna happen, whether we like it or not. :(
The top notch acting in the Weisz/Craig/Spall 'Betrayal' is emotionally true, often v funny and its beautifully staged with filmic qualities..

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Post by sf2la »

sf2la wrote:Oh no! Sorry, don't know how I quoted myself! Eek! Too much space to waste!!

His acting is great. Everyone's is. It's obvious he's in fine shape under ALL those clothes. The suits fit better this time. It's the way he stands and moves that make him so...handsome.

I think my opinion of the movie was tainted by watching spoiler photos, clips, and the previews. I always try to avoid everything until by butt was in the seat, but the dry spell got too long. I couldn't abstain. So the opening sequence didn't blow me away as it would have normally. It was amazing.

My favorite part of the movie to me right now are the photos and vid that were published of Rachel and him together at the premiere. That was worth everything. It's never been Bond for me; it's always Daniel. And he showed his lovely self, the 'dreamy husband.' Her love for him in interviews and at this premiere is like they are on their honeymoon, and the way he kissed her by holding her head, oh my, that's the Daniel that I love.
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Post by Germangirl »

..and again :lol: :twisted: :blowkiss:
The top notch acting in the Weisz/Craig/Spall 'Betrayal' is emotionally true, often v funny and its beautifully staged with filmic qualities..

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Post by SmittenDramaKitten »

Germangirl wrote:QWe will never be able to quite figure him out. Every time you think, you do, he proves you wrong. Bastard :twisted:

@Kitten - you better let the thought of a huge dry spell sink in or you will fall into a big black hole. Its gonna happen, whether we like it or not. :(
I know this GG....
The question is, HOW HUGE? :shock: :? :sigh:

Judging by my finances right now, New York next year seems more and more implausible for me... :(
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Post by sf2la »

Oh no! I'm on my phone and totally screwing up! How did I repost by mistake! Dunda, can you fix???!!

I know I need to see it again. I'll have different expectations. I think those trailer scenes are very misleading with the dress unzipping and Lea with the netting.

Agreed, we are in for a LOOOONG dry spell. He'll be so sick of the promotions, they'll vacation on some private island, and then he'll do the play next fall. My guess is nothing on screen except for a random storm trooper for over 2 years. Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!
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Post by agrippina »

Well, two viewings of Spectre behind me now. Maybe I have an informed opinion by now?! ;-)

The start is awesome with Mexico City, London and, of course, my beloved Rome... Great action sequences, the plot moves onwards brisquely. And then it starts to go a bit flat - on the second time, I almost fell asleep midway and was only shaken awake by the fight in the train. The second half is slow and mosty rather boring, the final action stuff feels lame and unexciting and predictable. There is no real final climax which would have been necessary after the boring middle part.

Daniel's performance is imho his best so far as Bond - he is completely at ease and believable in every way, even when delivering the one-liners. And he looks very, very good despite some of the rather baggy trousers. :-D

Ben Whishaw is excellent as Q with a great range from funny to dead serious. Dave Bautista was a pleasant surprise with a believable air of menace. The scene with Jesper Christensen was excellent. I have really nothing to say of Fiennes, Harris or Scott, safe, reliable, but nothing exciting.

Bellucci could have been used more maybe, but what ended up on the screen felt a little artificial. Seydoux's part and delivery were a disppointment. Someone commented that Daniel felt too old for her and I suspect that comes from how she acted the role - she looks and feels like a pouty little girl after the initial set up with some feisty delivery. No great chemistry between her and Daniel in my eyes. She has touted herself as a feminist BG, but I really missed Camille from QoS who is indeed a feminist Bond girl - she has a story completely of her own and does not even fall for Bond...

But my biggest disppointment was Christoph Waltz who was just utterly unexciting and boring and totally not scary. The first scene with him is somewhat ok, but after that he could be playing a part in a tooth paste commercial or something. The lab scene is just ridiculous and stupid and all I could think about were Waltz's sockless feet and how ugly they were, but I guess they had to get the watch do something in the end.

A lot of it could have been left in the editing room, the excitement did not carry my attention through the whole length of it even on the first time. It's a bit like that Sam Smith title song - no proper build-up for a really exciting final climax...

I dearly wanted to like it, but all in all, this must be my least favourite film in the Daniel quartet. Even QoS has more good moments. I hope he does one more and that that movie will end his Bond career on a truly high note!

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Post by sf2la »

Good review, Grip! You really said it like it is, IMO. I'd have to see QOS again to know whether to rank this 3rd or 4th.

I think Lea appeared way too young for Daniel, but I did like her acting. I think she was just a pouty young woman. Although 'pretty', she is not Bond girl material to me. She's not beautiful. But I don't really care about Bond girls except that if he's going to have feelings for one, there should be a reason. I saw no reason for this one. I see it as a guy's movie. Lots of blowing things up and crashing cars. But that's just my opinion, and I wish everyone loves/loved it. But I'm with you, Grip.
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Post by SmittenDramaKitten »

You know I love you all but........ Nooooooooooo!!!! :shock:

For me, it goes...

1. SPECTRE. (Because the most recent one is always the best).
2. CR / Skyfall. (I really can't decide which I prefer because I love them both equally but for different reasons.)
3. QOS. (Which I have still seen loads of times despite the well known patchy story, direction and editing).
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Post by Germangirl »

Its amazing how different peoples view is of this film.
Its goes from best ever to worst ever. But the sagging midfle part seems part of its problems. They should have cut the length. Not the sex scenes.

But grwat to hear and read, that Daniel looks good again in it. He gets praise all along, so at leadt, that is good. Lets see, how folks in the US will review it and how I perceive it.
The top notch acting in the Weisz/Craig/Spall 'Betrayal' is emotionally true, often v funny and its beautifully staged with filmic qualities..

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